To any person who has spent enough time sitting on a patch of lawn to get a little bored, the leaf in the picture below will be instantly familiar.
One clover leaf. |
It's a leaf of the white clover plant, and there is plenty of it at out outdoor classroom right now. One clover leaf has three parts, which is reflected in the Latin name of the plant:
Trifolium repens.
Tri- means three, and
folium means leaf.
Repens means reclining, which this plant does well, as it spends its entire life within about 3 inches of the ground. Clover leaves usually have faint white lines in them, and they are never heart-shaped. Another common lawn plant called oxalis has leaves divided into three heart shapes, and sometimes people get confused about it.
A patch of clover. See any lucky ones? |
White clover has several claims to fame. First, they are tough little plants, and they survive well on lawns even under heavy foot traffic, so they grow everywhere there is a lawn. People who are sticklers for uniform-looking lawns consider the plant a weed, but many people value the plant for its ability to grow in harsh conditions where grass can't grow. Second, clovers are known and loved for their sweet-smelling
flowers, which are white or pinkish clusters on stems. I bet you have made a
flower chain from clovers before. Bees love the flowers even more than humans do, and they make great honey from it. The sight of clover flowers on a lawn should serve as a warning to wear shoes, since bees are likely to be on the flowers, and stepping on a bee will get you stung. Clover's third well-known benefit is its value as a food source for animals. Clover seed is often included in the mix of seeds farmers plant for growing cattle forage (the plants cattle eat).
A small clover plant with leaves, stems and roots. |
Clover also has a secret. Most people don't know much about the hidden power that makes clover so important in nature and explains some of its better-known characteristics. If you dig up a small clover plant and look at the roots, you see something that is not usually present on plant roots: tiny lumps. Those lumps are called nodules, and they are actually little areas where clover keeps its own pet bacteria. The clover provides food and housing (and maybe even affection) to the bacteria in return for the services the bacteria provides to the clover. The bacteria produce an otherwise almost unobtainable nutrient called nitrogen. Nitrogen is a nutrient used to make protein - the microscopic parts of organisms that provide much of their actual structure as well as much of the machinery to conduct life's processes. Other plants can only get nitrogen by absorbing leftover nitrogen from dead clover-type plants or from decomposing animals or animal manure, but clover has its own constant supply.
Root nodules on a clover - where nitrogen is fixed. |
Clover's source of nitrogen means it can grow on poor soil where grass can't. It also means it has a high nitrogen content, making it more nutritious than grass for animals to eat. When clovers die, they leave behind richer soil with more nitrogen, where other plants can now grow.
Clover is related to bean-type plants (pinto beans, Limas, black beans,
lentils, peas), and all types of bean plants have the same pet
bacteria for making nitrogen (actually called fixing nitrogen). This type of interaction between two organisms that live in
close contact and help each other is called mutualism. Can you think of other examples of mutualisms?
Have you ever found a four-leaf clover? Sometimes the plant
makes an error when growing its leaves, resulting in our four-leaf
symbol of good luck. If you look at a patch of clover for long enough,
you will probably find a four-leaf clover. If you do, press it flat
between pages of a book for a week or so, then you can glue it to paper
or press it between clear tape to preserve it.
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