Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Maples in Early Spring

If you live in the temperate eastern United States, and you only know one kind of tree, it's probably going to be a maple.  Everyone knows maples.  People either recognize and love maples' unique, pointy leaves, enjoy maple syrup, admire bright fall maple trees, or played with maple helicopter seeds as kids.  Few people know what maples are up to this time of year, though.

Even without leaves, maples are very busy this time of year.  Look at the ends of the branches on this maple tree below:  there are lumps all along the branches.

Swollen maple buds ready to pop.  Early March.
Those lumps are flower buds.  Many maples flower and fruit before they leaf out.  Here is a closeup of maple flowers:
Mid March, maple flowers.
Maple flowers are pollination generalists.  Some are pollinated by insects and bees, some are wind pollinated, and some are self-pollinated.  From the tree's perspective, it pays to be flexible with pollination strategies if you bloom very early in the growing season, because it's difficult to insure that insects will be out when you're ready to bloom.  Insects are really the best pollinators.  They are great at pollinating over long distances with small amounts of pollen, but they require warmer temperatures to do their work.  Wind pollinates cheaply - you don't have to feed it nectar or a portion of your pollen to get it to carry your pollen to another flower.  But wind isn't very specific in direction, so you usually need to make a lot of pollen if you are using wind (more on this next time!).  Self pollinating is convenient, but let's face it, you don't get much genetic variety if you make kids using only your own genes. 

Either way, lots of pollination has happened, because the maples in Chicago are LOADED with maple fruit.  Notice I called these helicopter things seeds earlier in the post, and now I'm calling them fruit.  I didn't want to alarm you earlier, but here's how this works:  fruits are plant parts that hold seeds.  An apple fruit has seeds in it, and so does a cucumber, and so does a maple fruit.  The maple fruit consists of a wing and a case around the actual seed.  Open up the swollen end of the fruit, and you will find a sticky seed (and you can stick the fruit on your nose or fingers like we did when we were kids).
Maple fruits (samaras) in late March.
Maple fruits are winged, and they are adapted to being carried far away from their parent tree by the wind.  They do indeed work like helicopters - their wing catches the wind and spins them along to hopefully sunnier ground than the ground just under their parent tree (maples are indeed shade trees).  There are many types of fruits out there: berries, capsules, hesperidia, drupes, pepoes, etc.  Fruits with wings are called samaras.  Both maples and ash trees have samaras to carry their seeds away.

New (red!) maple leaves, plus some maple samaras, late March.
Above you can see some new leaves just starting to grow on this maple. I had to look hard to find maple leaves on this type of maple tree - they mostly have only fruit right now.  Below you can see two pictures of early leaf growth on a Japanese maple.  Japanese maples seem to usually leaf out before they set fruit.

Japanese maple leaf buds opened and showing the new expanding leaves, late March.

Slightly older Japanese maple leaves, late March.


  1. Wow, I never realized how fascinating maple trees can be during early spring! The detail about how maples manage pollination through various strategies is quite insightful. For anyone planning to add maples to their garden, it's crucial to know how far apart to plant them to ensure they thrive. You can check out this informative guide on how far apart to plant maple trees for the best results. Thanks for sharing this interesting information about the life cycle of maples!

  2. It’s fascinating to learn about how maples are busy even before their leaves come out. The information about their flower buds and pollination strategies is really insightful. For anyone considering planting maple trees, understanding the spacing is crucial. You can find detailed guidelines on how how far apart to plant maple trees to ensure they grow healthily and beautifully. This post really enhances our appreciation of these wonderful trees and their early spring activities!
