Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why Don't Fish Need Mittens?

Brrrr!  It's been cold the last few nights!  Air temperatures dropped into the mid 20's, which is way lower than freezing.  I bundled up in many layers to survive being outside for about an hour last evening.  I felt a little bad for the fish in our outdoor classroom - they are stuck in cold water without any hats or mittens or even hot cocoa to warm them up.
A mosquitofish alive and well after several nights of freezing temperatures.
Humans are like tropical animals in terms of their thermal comfort zone.  We are comfortable living in temperatures in the 60's to 90's on the Fahrenheit scale.  We have created many devices to keep ourselves at a comfortable temperature: clothes, buildings, heat, air conditioning, insulation and ice cubes all help us maintain comfortable body temperatures whether we are in the tropics or in the Arctic.  Animals can be classified as endotherms or ectotherms, and we are of the endotherm variety.  Endotherms use some of the energy in the food they eat to keep their bodies warm.  Even though the temperature of the air inside our buildings is usually around 72 degrees, our bodies stay at 98.6 degrees.  Mammals, birds and even some fish like tuna can keep their body temperature warm using energy from food.

Mosquitofish are happy as clams in a much broader range of temperatures than we can stand.  They can live in the very warm water of shallow sunny pools in the summer, and they can survive a fairly cold winter too.  Mosquitofish are ectotherms, like most fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects and mollusks.  They don't keep their body temperature warm - they let it cool off when the environment cools off.  And as the temperature drops, they simply slow down.  Their bodies move more slowly, they eat less food, and they stay more hidden.  Many ectotherms hibernate, essentially sleeping in a cold state until the weather becomes warm enough to move around again.  If you watch our mosquitofish, you will notice that they are much slower on cold days than warm days. 

Mosquitofish can't survive if the pond freezes all they way through.  Fortunately for them, water temperature usually doesn't get as low as air temperature, so the pond is going to be warmer than the air temperature, and it won't usually freeze.  Also, ponds freeze at their surface, then the ice acts as an insulator, keeping the lower layer of the pond from freezing.  So even if you see ice on our pond this winter, it is likely that the mosquitofish will be swimming slowly in the water under the surface. 

Do mosquitofish feel cold?  I don't know.  I suppose you would have to put a mosquitofish in a fish tank with a cold area and a warm area and see where it chooses to spend its time!

Here are some other ways you can see organisms responding to the temperature at the outdoor classroom this week:

It's easy to see which plants survive freezing right now.  I'll write about this more in the deep winter, but it's probably easier to see now before the dead plants blow away and decompose.  The dead leaves in the picture below didn't survive freezing.  Either their seeds will survive the winter or their roots will survive in the ground, but it will not grow again until the spring.  The plant on the left is just fine with freezing temperatures, and it will stay growing, though very slowly, through the winter.  there are lots of winter-growing plants in our classroom.
The fern on the left survived freezing, the plant on the right did not.
The honey bees are still drinking at our pond on warm days!  They must have a fairly warm location for their hive.  Bees do some temperature regulation of their hives by eating food then shaking their wings really hard inside the hive to generate heat.  Our bodies do a similar thing - they shiver to generate heat.  Bees also flap their wings to fan the hive if it gets too hot.  Even though insects are ectotherms, bees have some endotherm ability.  Neat!
Honey bees are still drinking from our pond on warmer days despite the freezing nights.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Visit From the Psyllid Fairy

What happens when you lose a tooth?  You get a visit from the tooth fairy.  What happens when you write a blog post about hackberry leaf gall psyllids?  You get a visit from the psyllid fairy!!!
Envelope of psyllids and leaf galls - what a great surprise!
A parent of a lower school student, and an accomplished naturalist, learned about hackberry leaf gall psyllids after bajillions of them emerged from the leaf galls of the hackberries around her house.  She had saved some psyllids to identify them and brought some to my mailbox in an envelope after she saw last week's post.  Here's what was in the envelope:
Two hackberry leaves with galls and five hackberry leaf gall psyllids.
Those tiny dots in the picture above are hackberry leaf gall psyllids.  The large brown things are hackberry leaves.  I decided to have a microscope photoshoot with the psyllids, so I used a camera with a narrow lens and held it up to the eyepiece of a microscope to take the following picture:
Adult hackberry leaf gall psyllid at 20x magnification.
The psyllid in the picture above is long dead and a bit dried out, but it still looks pretty good for a dead bug.  Psyllids are true bugs, and true bugs are insects in the group called Hemiptera.  Hemipterans have mouthparts that are good for sucking plant sap, which is what psyllids are up to when they are living inside leaf galls.  You can see the mouthpart of the psyilld pointing down from the head, which is on the left side of the insect.  You can also see one of its antennae pointing to the left of the head. 
Two dried hackberry leaves, each with a leaf gall.
This time of year, the above leaves are all the evidence you'll see of hackberry psyllids.  The adult bugs have hidden away in bark or in cracks around the outside of your house.

Many thanks to the psyllid fairy for the fabulous psyllids!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Help! I've Got Hackberry Leaf Galls!

Last week students in our outdoor classroom sent the picture below, wondering what it was.  It's a very logical question, since those...things are growing out of what is obviously a leaf, but no normal leaf has weird miniature mushroom-shapes growing out of it.
Hackberry Leaf Galls (photo: M. Sherman)
The leaf above comes from a hackberry tree, whose bark I think is fantastic, and which we will explore later in the winter.  We have a gigantic hackberry tree in the outdoor classroom, and it's at the end of the row of parking spaces near the road.  Here's our hackberry:
Hackberry tree with most leaves already gone for the winter.
If you search through the fallen leaves around the classroom, you can find lots of hackberry leaves right now.  They have toothed edges (lots of tiny points), and they narrow to a tip.  Also, the wider end of the leaf usually is lopsided with one side larger than the other.  Most of the hackberry leaves have one or more of those big lumps on the lower side of the leaf.  The lumps are called leaf galls, and they are scar tissue the tree has grown in self defense against a parasite.
Three hackberry leaves, two with galls, one without.
So, what exactly is a parasite, you ask?  A parasite is a small organism that lives on a larger organism and often uses the larger organism for food, harming the larger organism in the process.  The larger organism is called the host.  There are lots interesting types of parasites in this world.  Dogs and cats sometimes have fleas for parasites.  Deer often have ticks.  Humans can sometimes have lice.  And plants can have parasites too.  The parasite on our hackberry leaves can only live on hackberries, not humans.  It is a type of insect called a psyllid (SIL'-id).  Psyllids look just like tiny cicadas - smaller than a grain of rice.
I broke open this gall, but it was empty.  The adult has already emerged from it.
Hackberry leaf psyllids lay their eggs on the underside of hackberry leaves in the spring.  The eggs grow into immature psyllids that look like this.  The psyllids damage the leaves, which causes the leaves to grow a lump of scar tissue (a gall).  The psyllids eat hackberry sap and live inside the gall as they grow larger through the summer.  In the fall, the psyllids grow into adults and drill out of the gall.  They fly or crawl to find crevices in bark or buildings to overwinter safely.  When the weather warms up in the spring, they lay eggs and start the cycle again. 

Hackberries grow well in Middle Tennessee, yet they almost always have hackberry leaf galls damaging their leaves.  The trees don't seem overly harmed by the gall psyllids' damage.  This is normal parasite behavior.  Most parasites don't cause extensive harm to their hosts.  They take just a little food from them but not enough to kill them.  If a parasite ate too much of its host and killed it, the parasite would be out of food and would die too.  Parasites use their hosts in a sustainable manner so that their food source will be available in the future.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nature's Crayons

I promise this is the last post on plant pigments!  It's a short one, too.  I just want to take advantage of the last of the glorious fall colors. 

The first thing I noticed at the outdoor classroom this week is that the pond has turned brown.  The brown color is from tannins in the oak leaves that have fallen into the pond.  Our pond water has basically turned into oak tea.  The mosquitofish in the water don't seem to mind.  They are a very tolerant species.  High concentrations of tannins in water can alter the water chemistry, changing the types of organisms that can live in the water.  If we had fragile aquarium fish in our pond, we would want to change the water, but our organisms (fish and snails) are adapted to a wide variety of water conditions, including tannins.
Tannins from oak and maple leaves have turned the water brown.
The next thing I noticed at the classroom was leaves of every plant color you can think of.  See if you can name the pigments in the leaves from our classroom.  Here's a reminder of the plant pigments:
  • Chlorophyll = green
  • Tannins = brown
  • Carotene = orange
  • Xanthophyll = yellow
  • Anthocyanins = red and purple
Xanthophyll in a maple leaf.
Tannins in a maple leaf.
Chlorophyll in magnolia leaves, xanthophyll in the leaf petioles.
Anthocyanins in sourwood leaves.
Chlorophyll and anthocyanins in oak leaf hydrangea leaves.
Anthocyanins, carotene and xanthophyll.
Anthocyanins, carotene and xanthophyll.
These pictures are just the tip of the iceberg.  When you walk through the outdoor classroom this week, see how many differently-colored leaves you can find.  Bring your fall Crayons if you like, and draw what you see.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Winter, Spring, Summer, Abscission

It's happening everywhere right now!  Plants are chopping off their own organs, and they are piling up in yards all over town!  How come no one is worried about this epidemic of leaf death??!!  Well, it happens every year, so I'm pretty sure the plants are going to recover.  Still, why on earth would plants get rid of their most important organs?  That's what we'll address in today's post.
Closeup of leaf abscission zone on sourwood.
In the picture above, you can see the color difference between the pale pink of a leaf petiole (technical term for a leaf stem), and the bright red of a sourwood twig.  The line between those two differently-colored plant parts is called the abscission (ab-SIZH-uhn) zone. 
Fresh leaf scar where the abscission zone dissolved and the leaf fell off.
This time of year, the layers of abscission zones are changing.  One layer is hardening and filling up with a corky substance called suberin.  Suberin is waterproof and heals what would otherwise be a wound where the leaf falls off.  The leaf scar in the picture above is dry and not losing sap because suberin has sealed the wound.  The second layer in the abscission zone is made of thin-walled, weak cells that self-dissolve when the plant is ready to shed its leaves.  Abscission zones are usually quite noticeable this time of year on any plant that is in the process of losing its leaves.  Take a look at the next two pictures and find the abscission zones.

Sourwood leaves and petioles (stems) about to undergo abscission.
The abscission zone is at the base of the leaf petiole where it attaches to the twig.
It is extremely unusual for living organisms to shed any part of themselves except for the production of offspring.  Some lizards have tails that fall off to distract predators, and many plants lose their leaves in the fall - but I can't think of other examples of falling-off body parts.  Of course, most organisms constantly rebuild their outer-coverings and some organisms can replace body parts that are bitten off, but voluntary amputation is strange, indeed! 

The loss of body parts comes at a huge cost.  Plants work all summer to catch enough sunlight to grow more leaves and get bigger, and leaf abscission every fall would seem to waste that energy.   But as with the lizards that lose their tails, there are also benefits.  Lizards' bodies escape to live another day and regrow another tail.  Plants benefit from shedding leaves by not having to maintain those leaves during the winter.  Leaves are tender tissues that would become disfigured and die when frozen.  Try putting some lettuce leaves in the freezer over night and then take them out to thaw.  You will notice they turn to mush when they return to room temperature.  In order for plants' leaves to survive winter, they would have to be tough, like holly, magnolia or spruce leaves, which take much more energy to produce.  Plants with leaves that survive freezing grow more slowly than ones that shed their leaves.
Dogwood with remnants of chlorophyll along veins and lots of anthocycanins (red pigment).

Plants have many ways to minimize the costs of losing their leaves.  They move all available nutrients out of their leaves and down into their roots to save the food for the next growing season.  Leaves fall near the plant that grew them and decompose, releasing their nutrients into the soil and further increasing the amount of nutrients recovered by the plant.  In this way, deciduous plants grow their own mulch.  Some plants, like walnut trees, even deposit compounds in their leaves that suppress the growth of competitor plants as the leaves decompose throughout the winter and spring. 
Rainbow of fall colors.
As leaves senesce (slow down and die) in the fall, they turn the variety of amazing colors we are so familiar with.  Plants' normal color is green, due to the most important compound in the world: chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is the substance in plants that allows them to absorb sunlight and use the energy from sun to make food, a process called photosynthesis.  In the fall, chlorophyll breaks down, revealing other colorful substances plants use for photosynthesis: xanthophyll (ZAN-tho-fill), a yellow pigment, and carotene (CARE-oh-teen), an orange pigment.  As temperatures drop, some plants make anthocyanin (AN-tho-SIGH-uh-nin), a red pigment that helps the plants store sugars for winter.  Some plants reveal tanins (TAN-ins) in their leaves in the fall.  Tannins are brown in color and are thought to be waste molecules produced by plants.  They have a bitter flavor, though some tannins are pleasant, including the ones found in tea leaves.
Leaf scar on a buckeye showing scars where the leaf veins were sealed off with suberin.
So leaf abscission is a trade-off that works in parts of the world with four seasons.  Plants in the tropics and plants in colder regions keep their leaves.  Tropical plants don't have to deal with cold, so they don't shed their leaves unless there is a yearly dry season.  Plants nearer the poles of the planet don't have a long-enough growing season to start from scratch every year, so they have to grow slowly and produce evergreen leaves and needles.  We lucked out, and we get to see the beautiful fall colors that accompany leaf abscission.